– Abraham
Traducción por Patricia y Roberto, con mucha
apreciación por Abraham, Esther y Jerry Hicks.
Cita original
As you gradually train your own thoughts into those of positive expectation, as you align with thoughts of worthiness and Well-Being, as you align with your true power by seeking good-feeling thoughts—you will no longer offer resistance to your own abundance. And when your resistance stops, your abundance will come. A flood of good-feeling ideas and possibilities will flow to you. Opportunities and propositions will be plentiful. And soon you will stand in knowing amusement that all of this was always there within your reach, but in your resistant state of attraction, you were not yet able to experience it . . . but then, it came—not because of your struggle but because of your ease.
Excerpted from: Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on November 01, 2010
Excerpted from: San Francisco, CA on March 08, 2003
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Buenas tardes, me dedicaré porque siento que estoy en resistencia y no termina de llegar lo que se que hay para mí …gracias