– Abraham
Traducción por Patricia y Roberto, con mucha
apreciación por Abraham, Esther y Jerry Hicks.
Cita original
When you think a thought of upliftment or abundance or Well-Being you are filled with a feeling of positive emotion. You may trust the way that you feel as the indicator as to which side of this subject (that is really two subjects) you are on. Whether it is the subject of money or lack of it, or health or lack of it, or a relationship or the lack of one—always, when you feel good, you are in the place of attracting that which you are wanting.
– Abraham
Excerpted from: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Maravilloso pensamiento, me permite estar abierta a mis pensamientos creativos y positivos…
Excelente Maria Luisa! Y gracias por tu comentario xo
Buen día es muy cierto gracias por estar presente en cada momento de mi vida los amo Abraham Patricia Jerry muchas gracias que Dios los bendiga y muchas felicidades para todos 🥰😘