– Abraham
Traducción por Patricia y Roberto, con mucha
apreciación por Abraham, Esther y Jerry Hicks.
Cita original
If every remnant of success was gone from you — still you stand as the culmination of all that you’ve learned. And we don’t mean learned in the sense that now you know how to do it again. We mean you have been the creation that has been in the process of being created, and here you stand as this clearer, more focused wanter and allower than you’ve ever been before. Which means, you can take your next breath of desire and step into your next place of allowing, and all that you ever had, and ten times more, can be in your experience immediately — when you accept that you are the asker and the receiver, and the letter-in of all of that.
Excerpted from: North Los Angeles, CA on August 13, 2001
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Buenas tardes gracias, las citas de Abraham me gusta,me nutren,me hace reflexionar y siento que ahora es el momento de seguir,seguir fluyendo para que todo lo que he deseado venga a mí los amo