Traducción por Patricia y Roberto, con mucha apreciación por
Abraham, Esther y Jerry Hicks.
Cita original
Of course, you are enjoying your personal desires and preferences, because that’s what you signed on for. You said, “I will focus into a physical body! I will explore! I will be inspired to improvement—constant, never-ending, personal improvement and expansion! And once I have identified a desire, I will focus purely in a non-resisted way, upon it. I will not let old beliefs deny my new desire.”
Excerpted from: Boca Raton, FL on January 18, 2014
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Imagen de fondo por Emiliano Carchia. Usada con permiso licencia Creative Commons ¡Muchas gracias!
Necesito dejar el pasado para vivir el presente y así enfocarme en mi deseo